"Welcome to my Fashion Wonderland"

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


OKAY, when I say revolutionary, I don't mean that it's going to extend research into the human genome or topple the monarchy. But what I'm talking about is beautifully designed and well crafted Shirts – kind of  “Avant Garde” of the normal boring Shirts and Blazers.  The product and words in  your ears - no other than "De St Ange" makers of Shirts and Blazers – I would say a new direction to the traditional Savoy’s and very English style industry of Dress Shirts and Blazers and has created a real buzz, literally I guess for those who love custom tailored dress shirts and Blazers.
My De St Ange Shirts and Blazers fascination started sometime last year when I first saw the man behind the designs and who is the owner of De St Ange Shirts in French Chanel TMC, who basically strutted his stuff and plugging all his Avant Garde European inspired Dress Shirts and Blazers.  The shop first opened in Paris and now has a Branch in Montecarlo – I must admit his craftsmanship is about more than just truly awesome well-fitted dress shirts.  It is about inspiring, enlightening, and entertaining you when shirt shopping become boring - I would say his design platform is everything from the collar to the cuffs to the button holes, an array of vivid and multitude of Colours to choose from and his style is simply truly unique.  For sure he is reaching out not only hardcore dress shirts and pseudo sartorialists (wow, that’s a word for you to look up in dictionary) but also everyone in between especially the Young Generations.  De St Ange Shirts and Blazers are more that just a product, I think it is a Legacy .

So stick around Guys because I think his designs stuff will be coming your way if not now - pretty soon…

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